The Telling's half concert half play Unsung Heroine follows the remarkable troubadour Countess, Beatriz de Dia (c.1140-1212) who was a singer-songwriter in a similar vein to Amy Winehouse if she had been alive today. Instinctively creative; like most people in the 12th century, Beatriz couldn’t write and so expressed her difficult personal experiences through passionate song which she improvised.
During the locked down Summer of 2020, The Telling recorded the film version of Unsung Heroine, while adhering to social distancing guidelines at the time, for release as part of #HomeTour; an online film series in response to the cancellation of all planned live shows.
The film of Unsung Heroine has now been selected for Lift-Off Sessions February 2022 Film Festival and appears in their Features programme. The first round of the festival is held online on their Vimeo channel (14-27 February 2022), where the public is invited to rent the collection for $18 (~£13) and vote for their two top films. The winning Top 5 will then be judged by an internal panel who will select their overall favourite.
Watch the programme and vote for us: https://checkout.liftoff.network/f-lift-off-sessions-february-2022
Unsung Heroine Live Tour - Summer 2022. Details coming soon.